
The fastest way to
build real-time features

SKDB is an embedded SQL database that stays in sync.

Built from the ground up and open source, it runs in the browser or the backend.

Work Locally

SKDB lets you work locally. Mirror the tables and views you need and they will always reflect the latest data.

  await skdb.mirror(
      table: "chess_moves",
      filterExpr: "game_state = 'started'"
Queries stay fresh, but latencies are now measured in microseconds and you can forget about the network. Your app automatically tolerates connection drops – it can even work entirely offline.

React to updates in real-time

Mirror Mode

Mirror Mode

Mirrored tables update instantly as other users manipulate rows.



Subscribe to SQL queries to be notified when things change. Get either the whole result set each time or just the deltas.



This powerful combination lets you build live experiences. As things change, you can reflect this to your users instantly and effortlessly.

  await skdb.watch(
      move_num, player, piece, position
      FROM chess_moves
      WHERE game_id = @game`,
    { game: 83723 },
    moves => render_game(moves),

SKDB is very efficient thanks to a purpose-built engine. Queries are not re-run continuously but are incrementally maintained, so you can scale to as many watched queries as you need.

Insert, update, or delete to communicate

Mirroring works both ways. Your local changes are immediately shared with other users.

Real-time communication and collaboration is now as simple as updating your tables, your shared state.

  await skdb.exec(
    `INSERT INTO chess_moves (
        game_id, player, move_num, piece, position, skdb_access
      ) VALUES (
        @game, @player, @move, @piece, @position, 'read-only'
      game: 83723,
      player: 32412,
      move: 8,
      piece: 'N1',
      position: 'f3',

If you're offline, any local changes are synchronized when you come back online. Reconnects are automatic and fast, transmitting only what has changed.

Query with SQL

SKDB lets you work with SQL. Access and manipulate your application state using the power and convenience of a declarative query language.

SKDB uses plain simple SQL: there's nothing extra to learn or do to make it work.

Aggregate with GROUP BY, join tables, create indexes, use transactions – everything you expect of a SQL engine.

  await skdb.exec(
    `SELECT piece, COUNT(*) AS n_moves
      FROM chess_moves
      WHERE player = @player
      GROUP BY piece
      ORDER BY n_moves DESC`,
    { player: 32412 },

Control data sharing

Total Control
Privacy Controls

Fine-grained privacy controls are built in. Control who can see data and who can modify it. Data that a user cannot see is never mirrored locally and so never shows up in their query results.

Total Control
Automatic Updates

As privacy rules change SKDB automatically takes care of adding and removing data from local tables.

Total Control
Conflict resolution

Concurrent data modification is of course supported. You can opt for a simple resolution policy when you don't care, or take full control when you do.

Develop quickly and easily

SKDB provides a server you can run locally for offline development. It supports convenient features to make dev iteration fast, such as instant test user creation and data auto-migration as you iterate on your schema.

React is commonly used with SKDB. An integration via the skdb-react package is provided along with components for debugging and testing.

Query with SQL
Join the community

SKDB is open source, developed under the MIT license.

Collaborate with us!